"...Kelantan Umno will lobby the federal government to allow the Islamist party Pas to introduce hudud law, which prescribes stoning, whipping and amputation as punishment for criminal offences, in what will certainly spark intense debate and rouse opposition from non-Muslims.
The Malaysian Insider understands the Kelantan state Umno leadership is planning to declare their support, which comes on the heels of Pas vice president Datuk Husam Musa's (photo)admission on Saturday that his party would introduce hudud if it wins federal power.
The support appears designed to place pressure on Pas, which has successfully gained support among more moderate Malaysians by appearing to place its stated aim of forming a theocratic Islamic state on the back-burner.
Pas has tried to project a more moderate and progressive image in recent years, but this has resulted in some restlessness from among its more conservative members, and a clear split in the party..." Read more
The Malaysian Insider understands the Kelantan state Umno leadership is planning to declare their support, which comes on the heels of Pas vice president Datuk Husam Musa's (photo)admission on Saturday that his party would introduce hudud if it wins federal power.
The support appears designed to place pressure on Pas, which has successfully gained support among more moderate Malaysians by appearing to place its stated aim of forming a theocratic Islamic state on the back-burner.
Pas has tried to project a more moderate and progressive image in recent years, but this has resulted in some restlessness from among its more conservative members, and a clear split in the party..." Read more
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